Leaping Frog 1.0.0


656 KB

Publisher Description

Window 8 CompatibleIn a long hot summer, a little frog wants to challenge itself and jump through a dangerous pond. Can you help the little frog accomplish its goal? Your goal in this game is to control the frog so that it can jump from one leaf to another successfully. When the game starts, the frog will be standing on a spinning leaf. Click your mouse or press the spacebar on your keyboard, and the frog will try to jump to another leaf. You will receive points if the jump is successful, and bonus points will be awarded for consecutive jumps. Initially you will have 3 lives, as shown at the top left corner of the screen. If the frog cannot jump to another leaf successfully, one life will be deducted. When all lives are lost, you lose. Note that some special items may appear on the leaves, and you can control the frog to jump to those leaves and pick up those items. The speed-up item will increase the spinning speed of the leaves, the slow-down item will decrease the spinning speed of the leaves, the aiming item will show a pointer which gives the direction of the next leaf, and the life item will grant you an extra life. Make as many consecutive jumps as you can and see how far the frog can reach!

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